Firing Your Villains & Leading with Vulnerability

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Heather Monahan, Confidence Creator, Overcome Your Villains, vulnerability, sales, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, beliefs, actions, knowledge

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Heather Monahan, Confidence Creator, Overcome Your Villains, vulnerability, sales, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, beliefs, actions, knowledge

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Ignoring an antagonistic relationship at work is one of the more damaging things you can do to yourself. At best, working with someone in a toxic situation hinders your potential and prevents you from bringing positive influences into your life. But at worst, a hostile workplace relationship takes a toll on your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Today’s guest, Heather Monahan, is the CEO at Boss in Heels and a faculty member at Harvard University. Before pivoting to these prestigious roles, she was fired from her previous job in the media industry by her antagonist (despite doubling revenue to over $200 million).

But there was wisdom to be gained from the experience. The unexpected isn’t always a bad thing. The experience of being let go helped Heather develop confidence and learn to overcome her villains – both life-changing lessons she now shares with others.

In addition to her current roles, Heather is a renowned keynote speaker, #GirlsClub Thought Leader of The Year, and the bestselling author of Confidence Creator. Her latest book, Overcome Your Villains: Mastering Your Beliefs, Actions, and Knowledge to Overcome Adversity, will be released in November 2021.

Heather highlights that company leaders should choose to lead by example — and with vulnerability. “The more that you lead as the vulnerable version of you, the more people are going to be attracted towards you. And the more you’re going to attract the right people,” she says.

Heather also recognizes that being confident and vulnerable are challenges faced by many in leadership roles. She attributes her previous lack of confidence to a struggle with perfectionism. So how did she quash this? By accepting her flaws and building a career and life around her strengths. Heather’s advice? If you want others to speak highly of you, you need to start by speaking about yourself in that same manner.

Heather and I also discussed:

How Heather was fired from a job where she was successful
What it’s like to teach sales at Harvard
How to fire your villains
What it means to set expectations for customer experience
How to provide value amidst changing markets and customers

Firing Your Villains and Leading with Vulnerability

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Listen to “164. Firing Your Villains & Leading with Vulnerability w/ Heather Monahan” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: Firing Your Villains and Leading with Vulnerability

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Heather Monahan

1. Joining the Harvard Faculty

2. Overcoming a Villain

3. Putting Yourself in Others’ Shoes

4. Asking the Clarifying Question

5. Leading With Vulnerability

Bonus Video: Shout Out to John Ruhlin and Giftology

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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