Recently, many of us have had to move from an in-office environment to working remotely. As a result, the lack of face-to-face communication has us misinterpreting messages, facing challenges when collecting information, and missing that necessary comradery we previously had in our office experience.
If you’re missing that direct facetime and ability to connect and communicate efficiently with your team, there are two pieces of technology that we know you’ll love. Zoom video conferencing and BombBomb video messaging.
Think of video conferencing as a replacement to your in-person meetings. Think of video messaging for when you can’t (or don’t need to) communicate live. Both are important and they complement each other quite well when used together.
In the post below, we’re going to talk through these two video tools that you can use to keep your day-to-day tasks moving forward with a personal, human touch even when you can’t be there in person.
BombBomb and Zoom
Zoom: The Standard for Video Conferencing
Zoom is a video conferencing tool that allows participants to interact with each other in real-time. It’s fantastic for small team meetings and allows users to communicate with audio, video, and screen sharing.
There are competitors to Zoom like Skype, LogMeIn, GoToMeeting, Webex, and even Google Hangouts. But Zoom stands above these other platforms because of its free product, an immense range of features, and reliability.
When Would I Use It?
It’s simple. Use it in place of all in-person meetings you had normally planned. With Zoom’s free plan, as a host, you can hold meetings with up to 100 people for 40 minutes or less. At BombBomb, we use Zoom for team meetings, morning standups, and quick calls to co-workers we can’t see in person.
Our Favorite Features
Zoom has so many incredible features, which is why it’s the top video-conferencing application. It’s hard to highlight just a few. The features below are our absolute favorite. Visit Zoom’s website to see them all.
• Display Options – With Zoom, you can choose how you want to view your meeting recipients. Some people prefer the speaker view, where you are able to get a full-screen view of the person talking. Others prefer the gallery view, where you can see an equally sized video of each person in the meeting.
• Screen Sharing – This is an incredibly useful feature in meetings when you need to show heavy paperwork, explain a project, or even show an example. You can even use this feature to share a team “whiteboard.” With the whiteboard, participants can brainstorm and add notes to the board as they would in a conference room setting.
• Touch Up My Appearance – This is not a drill. Zoom actually has a feature that allows you to touch up your appearance on your zoom calls. It works similarly to an instagram filter and adds a subtle softness and blur to your video calls. This will help you feel more confident on camera!
• Google Calendar Integration – The Zoom Google Calendar Integration is a great way to incorporate Zoom into your meeting plans. It allows you to select Zoom as a conference option when creating a meeting invite. As a result, it will automatically select your Zoom ID for the meeting and include the correct links and details directly inside the invite.
BombBomb: Get Better Results From Email
BombBomb will help you quickly record/upload, send, and track videos in email, text, social, and other messaging platforms. Your videos are embedded directly inside your messages and feature animated previews that show your smiling face. No downloads, no links, and no attachments. People see you right away and simply click to start playing your video. And you’ll be notified as soon as they do.
BombBomb product helps your emails feel warm, personal, and be just as effective as a face-to-face meeting.

When Would I Use It
Anytime you have information that would be best delivered in person, but you don’t have access to that person, use BombBomb.
Customers in a variety of industries use BombBomb to reach out to cold leads, set appointments, process updates, and so much more. (scroll to the bottom to learn how to use it alongside Zoom.)
Our Customer’s Favorite Features
BombBomb has an abundance of features and integrations that help our customers incorporate video email into their daily workflow. Visit to get a better look at each one, and how it can help your business.
• Tracking – Get live notifications of who watched your video and when so you can reach back out at the perfect time. You can even access how long people watch your videos.
• Animated Preview – BombBomb automatically generates a three-second animation for each video. This feature is actually extremely helpful when trying to stand out and get the attention of your contacts.
• Screen Recorder – Record yourself, your screen, or both to review documents, give presentations, or educate your prospects and clients.
• Gmail Integration – Bombbomb’s Gmail integration is seamless. The “power wheel” allows you to record videos, access your library, schedule emails, and more directly inside your Gmail emails. You can even view video tracking on all of your sends on the left-hand side of your inbox.
How to Use BombBomb and Zoom Together
Now that you know more about Zoom and BombBomb and how they can benefit you, let’s talk through how you can use each product to complement one another.
In the examples below, you’ll see three videos that you can send both before and after your zoom conferences to make sure your meetings are both beneficial and productive for everyone involved.
1. Setting a Zoom Meeting
It’s sometimes nerve-wracking to receive a meeting invite with no context. People like to know the purpose of a meeting, and why it’s worth their time.
This is especially important when setting meetings with people you have rarely or never communicated with the past. In this case, send a video to help put a face to a name, and explain your intentions.
Check out how Alli, our Content Marketing Manager, does just that in the example below.
2. Explaining the Meeting Agenda
No one likes coming to a meeting unprepared. If you’re working remotely, it’s a little more challenging to keep everyone in the loop of what to expect in the meeting.
Video email simplifies the process for you by allowing you to offer context into the meeting purpose and agenda to everyone involved at once before it takes place. That way team members know what they’ll need to bring to the table without having to read a lengthy email.
See how John, our VP of Marketing Strategy, accomplishes this in the following video…
3. Meeting Follow-Up (Thank you & Notes)
And it’s always great to have a recap of the meeting to look back on, so no one has to keep looking through notes. Send a video with an overview of what was discussed and the meeting outcomes, so you can all move forward accordingly.
Watch how Eleah, our Customer Success Manager, recaps a meeting in the video below.
Want more tips on how to use video during a crisis?
It’s more important than ever to cultivate relationships and get face to face when you can’t be there in person.
But figuring out how to do that isn’t always easy.
That’s why we’ve created this BombBomb COVID-19 Resource Page.
Whether you’ve just joined the BombBomb community, or you’re a long-time customer, we want you to have access to our most helpful resources during this time. Click here to visit the site!